Recent Projects Posted
Lookout Mountain Water Tank (21957)
Bids 11/8/24
Bids 11/8/24
Trustee Office (21956)
Bids 10/31/24
Bids 10/31/24
Street Department Restroom Renovation (21955)
Bids 10/29/24
Bids 10/29/24
Public Safety Annex (21954)
Bids 10/30/24
Bids 10/30/24
Waste Water Plant for Coosa Central High School (21953)
Bids 10/24/24
Bids 10/24/24
Repainting Fairview Water Storage Tank #1 (21951)
Bids 10/17/24
Bids 10/17/24
Municipal Building Demolition (21952)
Bids 10/29/24
Bids 10/29/24
Hamilton Co 911 Interior Remodel (21949)
Bids 10/24/24
Bids 10/24/24
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