Ringgold First Baptist New Fellowship Hall (21220)

New Fellowship Hall


Bidding Closed

Bid Date6/16/23 12:00pm EDT

Company & Contacts

Tyson & Associates Construction Company, Inc.
Bryce Martin (bryce@tysoncon.com)  
(706) 937-2600


Ringgold, GA

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Project Description: This is a 15,073 SF New Fellowship Hall in Ringgold, GA. The building is wood framed and heavy trusses with some structural steel for the mezzanine. Exterior skin is brick and stone veneer, fiber cement siding, storefront, canopys, TPO and asphalt shingles. Interior includes all typical finishes, stage curtains, gym equipment, telescoping bleachers. Includes site package.

RFIs are due by 6/12 by EOD.