Warren County Schools COVID Testing Center (21163)



Bidding Closed

Prebid Date1/10/23 2:00pm EST

Bid Date2/1/23 1:00pm EST

Company & Contacts

Upland Design Group
(931) 484-7541


McMinnville, TN

In order to access bid documents, AGC East Tennessee Members are required to log in. Create a username and password by clicking “Register for an account.”

Deadlines are Central Time
Project Description: Scope of work includes selective demolition of existing structure, site demolition, earthwork, site utilities, construction of a new building addition, and renovation of portions of the existing structure(s) including finishes and building systems work. Maintaining operation of the existing school, including kitchen / cafeteria, during the school calendar, and stormwater drainage of the site, throughout the duration of construction, is a part of this work.